Tuesday, 10 March 2015

 What kind of exercises are safe during pregnancy?

We all know the importance of staying active during pregnancy but many people are still unsure of what is considered safe and the lack of specialist pregnancy classes out there make it more difficult to feel confident exercising when pregnant.

The general rule of thumb is to continue with your pre-pregnancy exercise regime but with a few considerations such as:

  • Avoid overheating and stay hydrated (especially important in early pregnancy)

  • Work at a moderate intensity level (e.g. you should be working aerobically so you should be able to hold a conversation whilst exercising so you're not too out of breath). This ensures baby is getting enough oxygen. That rules out HITT or other such classes as this takes you beyond your aerobic threshold!! 

  • Avoid contact sports, diving or where falls may be possible (horse riding) Try swapping netball for aerobics or reduce the risk of falling off your bike by switching to a stationery bike in the gym. Although I have know a few cyclists who felt very competent on a bike and cycled throughout pregnancy but you may still wish to avoid cycling where there is traffic at least!

  • From your second trimester you will need to avoid abdominal crunches and full planks to reduce the intra-abdominal pressure on weakening tummy muscles. Working on exercises that require balance is a good way to work your core (deeper) tummy muscle which will help stave off lower back pain throughout the trimesters.

  • Joints are less stable due to hormones so consider reducing the speed of exercises to ensure good technique and aim for low-impact exercise by the second half of your second trimester. Very few people manage to run throughout thier whole pregnancy and consideration needs to be given to your pelvic floor which is under greater strain already!

  • Avoid holding static contractions for too long and never hold the breath.

  • Modify some of your exercises for comfort, such as range of movement and position. If it doesn't feel right it probably isn't!

  • Work your glutes (buttocks) to help fire up the pelvic floor muscles, learn how to do pelvic floor exercises properly and get into a good habit of practicing them daily!

  • If you are new to exercise start slowly. Try 15 minutes of power walking several times per week initially and build it up slowly. 

The government recommendation is to be active for 150 minutes per week
 (or 30 minutes x 5 days per week) and this includes pregnancy women too!

There is never a better time to look after your health, your body and your baby!! Being fit will get you through what could be the biggest physical challenge of your life to date (labour) so if you haven't started training for it, what are you waiting for?

Did you know that a strong pelvic floor not only helps in your recovery but can also shorten the 2nd stage of labour (pushing stage)? Other benefits of Pilates include:

  • Better sleep & mental well-being
  • Reduced chance of or management of back pain
  • Improved symptoms of pregnancy related aches & pains (PGP)
  • Reduced risk of constipation, piles and varicose veins
  • Feel stronger, muscle tone and core strength
"I absolutely love pregnancy Pilates! I have just booked onto my second round of classes and I can really feel myself getting stronger week by week as I get used to the exercises! Debbie is very welcoming, friendly and approachable. I thoroughly enjoy the class and look forward to it every week! xx" - ALEX

Class involves standing functional resistance exercises using body weight and resistance bands and mat-based Pilates exercises to suit each stage of pregnancy and fitness level.

There is a strong focus on strengthening the whole body with an emphasis on both strengthening and releasing the pelvic floor muscles, and using both strengthening and stretching to address postural changes to help stay mobile and reduce/avoid pregnancy related aches and pains.

This class will not only help prepare the body physically for birth but enable you to take some time out using relaxation and breathing too. Suitable from 12 weeks gestation to birth!

Pregnancy Pilates -  Tuesdays 6.30pm-7.30pm @ The Fire Fit Hub, Liverpool (central location)
Thursdays 6.30-7.30pm @ Jireh Church, Bebington, Wirral

£40-42 for 6 weeks or drop in (if availability)

To book your place contact Debbie:
deb@misfitmamas.com or Tel. 07974 720341

Places are limited to ensure quality of instruction so don't delay and book today here: 


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