Thursday, 26 February 2015

Real Mums Top Tips -
Coping with the first few weeks with your newborn


I recently asked some of our MisFit Mama mums to share their own insights to help make the first few weeks of motherhood a little easier for you. This is real advice from real mums who have recently been in your shoes and have come through the other side!

1. "Paracetamol is massively underrated and really helps aches and pains after birth! Don't compare yourself to others and don't judge other mums, babies are all so different and you will learn what is best for you, your baby and your family. try not to tell dads how you do everything (even though you'll probably be desperate to!), you will each build your own relationship with baby and it doesn't matter that you change nappies a different way to each other! As the others say, definitely enjoy the moments you have with your baby. Xx"

I would say enjoy the cuddles and the little naps on your chest during the day instead of worrying about the housework, it can wait and they grow up too fast. Also get out and meet other new mummies it will keep you sane. Company from other people going through the same experiences is priceless. Xx"

Just follow your heart! Don't be hard on yourselves. Ask for help if you are struggling, there is no shame. Lots of cuddles and throw the baby books out!! Do what you want to do. Mine were in & out of my bed all the time. They soon grow out of it. They grow so quickly, you have no idea. Try & cherish each moment as best you can."

"The first 3 months I found really difficult, eat, sleep, pooh repeat!! (Baby not mum) But things get easier if you can survive that, if you are breastfeeding, the first 6 weeks are constant feeding on demand but again gets easier once you have established a good supply, if formula feeding I would recommend winding every 60mls to prevent colic in the evenings. I combined fed and that saved my sanity. Cuddles, skin to skin and leave the housework till it becomes hazardous!! O and if you get the chance to pamper yourself even for a an hour, do it!! 🍼😴 xx"

"Concentrate on your new bundle and existing ones if you have more. The dust will always come back and you'll never get the precious first few months back x"

6. "
Don't be afraid to say how you are feeling! Don't feel bad asking for help, or for some alone time or saying no visitors especially in the early days! If people offer to cook, clean, shop etc for you let them and don't let anyone else tell you how to parent. Oh and enjoy all the craziness and the quiet moments alike xx"

7. "From an exercise point of view Pelvic floor exercises and walking is all you need to be focusing on in the first 6 weeks (or longer following a C-section). So relax, eat well, respect your body and focus on your relationship with your baby. Don't feel pressure to return to exercise too soon. Your body will let you know when it is ready - MisFit Mamas x"

I think you will agree there is definitely a theme going on regarding housework, trying to enjoy your baby (sounds obvious but when your overtired and focusing on the wrong things it's not so easy) and asking for help!!

My own early experiences were very different. With the first singleton baby I just got on with it despite struggling, whereas when the twins arrived 2 years later I had a timetable of support in place and as a result I bonded better, no baby blues and enjoyed my babies so much more!

My point: even one baby is NOT A ONE PERSON JOB!! You will probably be surprised how many friends and family members will be more than happy to help but don't want to intrude! Give them a nice task e.g taking baby for a walk as well as a boring one such as doing the dishes!

I hope that the above insights help you in some way in your own journey. I would love to know what you think. The mums top tips above are all on the MisFit Mamas FB page so feel free to join in the conversation!

A big Thank you to all the mums who contributed!

Debbie X

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Be a S.M.A.R.T Mama and Stay on Track in 2016!!

So you want to make some changes for the better, be it to your health, work or even taking up a new hobby. Goal setting is an important step in making changes. It is especially important to help us break bad habits and to create new better habits. However, it's easy to set a big goal but not so easy to stay on track long enough to achieve it. That's where S.M.A.R.T goals fit in. 

S.M.A.R.T goal setting breaks bigger goals down into smaller achievable chunks that are not so overwhelming to put into place, and gives you a sense of success no matter how small to spur you on to the next goal. The key thing is to be realistic and take not of the obstacles in your way e.g. a new baby!!

The goals that you set yourself will snowball into lots of changes that can really impact your life/health etc.

So for example, lets say that you have fallen into the new mummy trap of eating rubbish since giving birth partly because you haven't the energy to cook, you're up to your elbows in nappies, escaping the house seems an impossible task someday's to even shop and so preparing home cooked meals is simply out of the a ping dinner it is then! Sound familiar?

Here is an example of a SMART goal to make changes for the better:

GOAL - To eat four healthy home cooked evening meals per week.

S (Specific) - It is specific in that it says exactly what you wish to achieve  
M (Measurable) - The "four times per week" bit makes it measurable
A (Achievable) -  Keep it real, think about your circumstances and address what might
get in the way e.g. organise who will meal plan and shop and when
R (Relevant) - .Will it actually move you in the right direction?
T (Time-bound) - Specify if it's a daily, weekly or monthly goal so you have a target.

When you meet your goals stay focused as it can take a few weeks to change old habits.When you're ready for more set another SMART goal or amend the existing one to step up the challenge to reap more benefits! Don't let set backs deter you, instead ask yourself why things didn't go so well and move on!!

Tip 1 - Display your goal somewhere you and others will see it regularly.

Tip 2 - If aiming for weight loss avoid focusing on how many pounds you wish to lose, instead focus on what you can do to achieve weight loss (e.g. healthy eating, pram walk for 30 mins 5x per week)

Tip 3 - Treat yourself when you achieve a big goal (obviously not with food if your goal is related to wanting to lose weight..teehey! How about a night a the pics instead... don't forget to book the babysitter in advance!

"If you fail to plan, you plan to fail" - Benjamin Franklin

Hope you find this blog useful. Enjoy your success!!
Debbie X